
MECSPE fair in Bologna ended and we are truly grateful to all those who came out to see us.

It gave us the opportunity to display a selection of our measuring instruments and to discuss various measuring needs in person, without technological barriers.

This is the aspect we like most,  meeting our loyal customers directly and creating new ones.

We listen to what the company produces, what results it would like to achieve, or what problems need to be resolved.

SAMA Tools name-brand measuring instruments were created to cater these needs, but we also think that the assistance our technicians are able to provide pre-purchase can really make the difference.

What animates our company are certainly the people who, if you came to the fair, you will have met, albeit partially, because others remained at our headquarters in Viareggio.


Measuring instruments at MECSPE

For the 2023 edition of MECSPE, we selected various types of tools, suitable to satisfy the needs of manufacturing companies in various sectors.

Automotive, Oil & Gas, Naval, Food, Industrial Painting, Molds etc.

Force Measure

The measure of force encloses all tests essential for the quality and resistance of a specific product.

The main force tests include:




SAHSV-P(2021)Strumenti per misurare la forza di torsioneStrumenti per misurare la forza


These measuring instruments can be found in the section “Force measure”.

Measuring of the hardness of materials

When measuring the hardness of materials, we rely on portable or bench hardness testers.

There are different types of portable hardness testers, depending on the type of material or test to be carried out. They are mainly used to assess the hardness of the material for quality control in the production line and for the maintenance of structures and parts which are subject to wear.

strumenti per misurare la durezza dei rivestimenti strumenti per misurare la durezza dei materiali SAP180


These measuring instruments can be found in the section “Measuring the hardness of materials”.

Ultrasonic thickness measurement

To measure the thickness of a specific piece, the ultrasound technique is particularly recommended, as it allows you to measure a detail by simply placing the probe on it, without the need of any feedback from the opposite side.

In this case, the measuring instruments are the thickness gauges, which determine the thickness of a material by accurately calculating the time required by an ultrasonic pulse generated by the probe to pass through the thickness of the sample, which is reflected on the opposite surface and then returned to the probe.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges are ideal in the production phase, quality control, input control, PED inspections, material approval, output control and in all non-destructive tests where it is not possible to access both sides of measurement.

New Product! Fiberglass thickness gauge


In the photo: Fiberglass ultrasonic thickness gauge – SAUT6100D-SW


This new model, as seen in the photo, was first presented at MECSPE.  It is a graphic ultrasonic thickness gauge for fiberglass and composite materials. If you were present at one of our demonstrations at the fair, you will have seen how easy it is to use and its great potential for various fields, like boating, automotive, Oil & Gas, etc.

To verify that this tool is suitable for every specific need, S.A.M.A. can carry out tests directly on samples provided by our customers or alternatively, our technicians can personally go to shipyards or other establishments and carry out tests on site.  Other thickness gauges can be found in the sections:

Ultrasonic thickness measurement

Coating thickness measurement



In the photo:  Rotational abrasion tester – SAAB523


Another highly appreciated measuring instrument was the Rotational abrasion tester, mainly used to determine the abrasion resistance performance of various coatings by rotational rubbing, or to determine the abrasion resistance of paper, plastic, fabric, decorations, etc.

The samples are placed on the rotary plate and then subjected to the action of abrasion by two abrasive wheels with a determined pressure. The abrasive action is obtained by rotating the sample, while two abrasive wheels rotate above it. The wheels complete a full turn on the surface of the sample which allows to check the abrasion resistance at all possible angles of that sample.





Digital rotational viscometers - SAVISC152

In the photo:  Digital rotational viscometers – SAVISC152

The Digital rotational viscometer is ideal for testing the viscosity and resistance of a fluid.

The elegant model in the photo constantly controls the rotation speed and is widely utilized in chemical, medical, food, industrial, laboratory, scientific research fields, etc.

When an operator has to carry out the viscosity measurement in the laboratory, it is not always easy to identify the most suitable viscometer model. In these cases, our technicians are available to listen to each specific need and indicate the most appropriate solution.

This pre-sale consultancy service is free and allows us not only to concretely help our customers, but also to significantly reduce returns due to incorrect orders. Our philosophy is to always implement all preventive actions to avoid buying the wrong instrument.


Mechanical measuring instruments

The measuring instruments in our mechanical section are never lacking at the fairs we attend, since their use is extremely important and common in all manufacturing companies.

Micrometers and calipers

In photo: SAMA Tools micrometers and calipers

Mechanical measuring instruments can be found in the “Mechanical section”

Calibration of measuring instruments

At MECSPE, we also talked about our calibration services. Measuring and control instruments play a very important role within the production process of a company, such as guaranteeing the suitability of manufacturing products.

It is necessary that the instruments are efficient and remain within the tolerance range as dictated by the piece.  It is therefore essential to calibrate all instruments, even the simplest ones.

In this regard there are often many uncertainties, and our customers ask us questions like these:

  • What does ISO 9001 say in detail regarding calibration?
  • Why is it important to calibrate measuring instruments?
  • When should the calibration be repeated?
  • How long should the instrument be used before it is subjected to calibration and certification?
  • What if the certification does not go well or has errors?
  • What if the measuring instrument cannot be certified?
  • Do I need a calibration report or Accredia certificate?
  • What are the differences between calibration and Accredia certificates?

If you also have these kinds of questions, firstly, we recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter because in addition to providing you with useful information on the various types of measurements, it allows you to immediately receive an ebook on the ABCs of calibration via email.

how to achieve calibration without headaches

Instrument calibration is necessary and useful for many industrial sectors. Likewise, it is essential to have a solid intervention program to ensure minimal downtime.

S.A.M.A. Italia is ISO 9001 certified to provide calibration reports and collaborates with the best accredited centers for LAT / Accredia certificates.

Calibration banner

If you want more details of the 3-day fair, follow us on Instagram.  You will find photos and mini-videos of our name-brand SAMA Tools measuring instruments.

Measuring and control instruments are very important resources in any production process.  During any process, there are many parameters and properties that need to be carried out with precision to guarantee that high quality standards are met.

So, how to choose the best supplier for measuring and control instruments?

5 aspects to consider when choosing your measuring and control instruments supplier

There are different aspects you should consider when selecting your measuring and control instruments provider. The most important ones are the following:

1. Quality of the instruments

This may sound obvious, but the quality of the measuring and control instruments is of uttermost importance, since this will have a great impact on the results of  all your Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) activities.

For example, S.A.M.A. Italia is a UNI EN ISO 9001 certified company.  A certified supplier confirms that you are choosing a company with clear procedures, aimed at providing accurate services.

S.A.M.A. Italia is a supplier that operates worldwide and supplies companies with its own name-brand SAMA Tools instruments.  Therefore, a reliable and experienced supplier from whom you can receive high quality tools.

Moreover, all SAMA Tools instruments are manufactured to comply with the reference standards.

2. Calibration

As defined by the experts at S.A.M.A. Italia, “calibration means to identify metrological characteristics of a measuring instrument.  It can be defined as a “photograph” of the instrument in its current state. This is the result of a comparison with a reference sample and does not contemplate the adjustment of the instrument.”

This is an important aspect because one can purchase a “quality” instrument which is not calibrated, and therefore, may need adjusting. As a result, the instrument won’t work properly and it will most likely cause problems.

To prevent this from happening, S.A.M.A. Italia offers calibration services and supplies Laboratory Test Reports in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 and ACCREDIA certificates on all their instruments, but also on equipment you may already own and of other brands.

How often should the measuring instruments be calibrated? We talked about it here.

3. Destructive or non-destructive testing instruments?

When we talk about measuring and control instruments, we generally mention two categories: destructive and non-destructive testing instruments.

As the name implies, destructive testing requires altering or destroying the sample in order to identify its mechanical characteristics.

If you want to carry out measurements and tests in your production process without damaging your sample, the best alternative is non-destructive testing, such as:

  • Visual tests
  • Flaw inspection
  • Roughness measurement and control
  • Ultrasonic thickness control
  • Coating thickness control
  • Hardness testing
  • Environmental control

This will allow you to directly identify properties and mechanical features on the final product without damaging it. And SAMA Tools offers you the best instruments for each of these tests.

4. Technical support

When we see the words “technical support”, most of us immediately think  about fixing or repairing something. However, the technical support you should look for when selecting your measuring and control instruments provider must be a more complete kind of service.

As the S.A.M.A. Italia Export Manager Martina Guatteri says,: “It is well known that every successful company has excellent after-sales assistance.” This should be part of what you should look for”, but as she also says, “pre-sales assistance is also very important.”  Yes, S.A.M.A. Italia ships its tools worldwide!

It’s important to find a supplier that can really understand your needs and provide you with the best solutions for you,  keeping your best interests at heart.

Moreover, having solid technical support means making sure you won’t have any problems while using the instruments, and assistance on how to use them properly.

S.A.M.A. Italia offers all their customers a complete metrological consultancy service and care for every need from the very beginning. They help you become an independent user of their instruments, with specialized technicians that will assist you during installation, if required, and during the first stages of testing and measuring. And you will gain an understanding that goes far beyond simply reading a manual.

5. Do you need portable instruments?

It is not always possible to install a device in a laboratory or withing processes to test and measure important parameters. Most of the time, when dealing with QC and QA, you need to measure “on the fly” and this means having a light and portable tool, suitable for measuring in the field.

S.A.M.A. Italia can provide you with a wide range of portable instruments while maintaining the highest quality on the market.

Some examples of portable tools are:

  • Portable surface roughness testers
Portable surface roughness testers

Photo: SAMA Tools portable surface roughness testers

  • Ultrasonic thickness gauges
Precision ultrasonic thickness gauge

In photo: SAMA Tools precision ultrasonic thickness gauge

  • Ultrasonic flaw detectors
  • Portable external load cell torque testers
  • Micrometers and calipers
  • Sound level meters
  • Luxmeters
  • Portable pH meters
  • And many more…
SAMA Tools measuring instruments

Photo: SAMA Tools measuring instruments

If you work in the industrial painting sector,  you will surely find this article interesting, as well.

What if I am an international customer?

Being a worldwide leader in measuring control and instruments and as was mentioned above, S.A.M.A. Italia exports its products all over the world.

You can count on Export Manager Martina Guatteri, who is specialized in customs procedures, to be able to provide you with the necessary help in customs procedures, and on Amina Fera, who is equally available to help you during the purchase phase to choose the best instruments for your needs.

You can contact the Export Representatives at:

Feedback from around the world

Read about what some of S.A.M.A. Italia’s international customers have to say about their experiences with SAMA Tools measuring and control instruments.


“The whole process was completeed without any problems. We got answers to all the questions we asked. Thank you for your attention.”

With over 45 years of experience, Kayalar Kimya is one of the world’s leading paint manufacturers.


Vitaliy Shinkus

LLC TehsnabimportUkraine
“Thank you for your prompt response and help in choosing the right tool. Was very pleased. I recommend working with this company to everyone.”

LLC Tehsnabimport is a distributor of measuring instruments in the Ukraine.


Malik Jamil Asghar

AL ESSA & HADDAD Trading & Decorating CoKuwait
“We are satisfied with your services and with the swift feedback from your Team.”

Founded in Kuwait in early 1978, Al-Essa & Haddad Trading and Decorating Co. is well-established Aluminium Company that manufactures aluminium door windows and sales reinforcement steel bars, aluminium profiles, accessories, etc.


Miihailo Radojičić

“Everything is always correct and precise with the S.A.M.A. company. Friendly employees, always ready to help! Greetings from Serbia!”

TIM CO is a Serbian company created as Medical Equipment Service, founded in 1993. They began by producing printers for nuclear medicine and presently also cooperate with companies that create equipment geared towards women’s health and dental radiology.


Kateryna Andersson

“Very happy with quick support and help to find the best instument for our needs! Nyli Metrology is a Swedish company that provides its customers with various services related to metrology and is also a distributor of SAMA Tools name-brand instruments.


Why I recommend S.A.M.A. Italia as a supplier for measuring and control instruments?

So far, you’ve read how S.A.M.A. Italia ticks all the boxes and how it’s considered to be a first-class measuring and control instruments supplier.

My direct experience with them has enabled me to appreciate their professionalism and clear communication, which makes every customer feel confident in having chosen the best option.

Furthermore, you can subscribe to their English newsletter for free and receive an ebook filled with valuable information.

On the other hand, if you’re located in Italy, subscribe to the Italian newsletter.

Therefore, this winning combination of high quality products and services is a great solution for anyone who’s looking for a supplier of measuring and control instruments.  Don’t hesitate to contact S.A.M.A. Italia now.  You’ll be glad that you did!

Carlos Collantes

Mechanical engineer