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In regards to manual load handling management, the “Snook and Ciriello Method” is a reliable approach for risk assessment. This method breaks down the actions into key elements and employs psychophysical tables to define the recommended weight and force limits.

S.A.M.A. Italia offers a force gauge kit that is fully compliant with these standards, ensuring accurate assessment while promoting safety during load handling operations. Furthermore, as you read on, you’ll have the opportunity to watch a demonstrative video showcasing how the kit is used.

Manual handling of loads: Risk assessment and psychophysical tables

The Snook and Ciriello method

The Snook and Ciriello method is used to assess the risk associated with the manual handling of loads.

It’s based on the guidelines provided by the ISO 11228-2 standard and includes activities involving the horizontal transport, pulling, and pushing of loads.

Basic actions when handling loads

In risk assessment, studies focus on breaking down overall movements into basic actions and they include:

  • Pushing actions
  • Holding actions

It’s important to consider both the recommended maximum effort and the actual effort exerted during these actions.  A force gauge is used in these cases to measure the applied force and peak effort.

Pulling/Pushing or Horizontal Transport Index

An essential parameter in risk assessment is the Pulling/Pushing or Horizontal Transport Index. This index summarizes the risk factor and is calculated by comparing the recommended maximum effort with the actual exerted force during the task. A higher ratio indicates a higher risk.

Snook Ciriello

Psychophysical Tables

The results of studies on the manual handling of loads are summarized in the so-called “Psychophysical Tables.” These tables provide essential information about the capabilities and limitations of workers in regards to load handling, which include pulling, pushing, and transporting.

The tables indicate the recommended limit values for weight (in transport activities) or applied force (in pushing or pulling activities). These values are provided for both the initial phase (peak force) and the maintenance phase of the action (sustained force).

Using psychophysical tables

Using psychophysical tables is simple. You need to identify the specific work situation and determine if the individual who is doing the activity is male or female.

Next, you need to extract the recommended value (weight or force) from the corresponding table and compare it with the actual weight or force exerted, which is measured with a certified force gauge. By calculating the ratio between the actual and recommended weight or force for that action, you obtain the corresponding risk index.

Psychophysical tables are a valuable tool for risk assessment and promote the safe manual handling of loads.

Make sure you refer to the appropriate tables and take the necessary measures to reduce the risk of injuries during manual handling activities.

S.A.M.A. Italia: Professional tools for the manual handling of loads

S.A.M.A. Italia specializes in the production and marketing of professional tools.

In the field of manual load handling, we present our exclusive SA-KIT-SC digital force gauge kit, specifically designed to run precise tests based on the Snook and Ciriello method.


The SA-KIT-SC digital force gauge kit complies with the SNOOK and CIRIELLO standard

The kit is compliant with the Snook and Ciriello reference standard (UNI ISO 11228-2) and can be used for pushing tests on doors/handles in accordance with UNI EN 179, UNI EN 12217, and UNI EN 1154 standards.

It includes a digital force gauge that allows one to accurately measure the force exerted during pushing and pulling actions. Furthermore, it comes with calibration certificates which are traceable to primary standards, ensuring accurate and reliabile results.

By choosing our SA-KIT-SC “Snook & Ciriello” testing digital force gauge kit, you will have a professional and reliable tool at your disposal to assess the risks when handling loads manually, according to the highest standards.

Legislative details

Italian legislation on manual handling of loads is described in Title VI of Legislative Decree 81/2008 and its subsequent amendments.

This legislation requires employers to adopt necessary measures to prevent risks related to the manual handling of loads, including the use of appropriate mechanical equipment to reduce the need for manual handling by workers. This article outlines the rules to be followed.

In order to carry out risk assessment, the employer can refer to technical standards, best practices, and guidelines, such as the UNI ISO 11228-1:2022 standard, which provides recommended limits for the manual lifting, lowering, and transporting of loads.

The standard considers variables such as the intensity, frequency, and duration of the task, which allows a comprehensive assessment of the associated health risks for workers.

Another legislative reference for the risk assessment of manual handling of loads (MHL) is Annex XXXIII of Legislative Decree 81/08. Specific risk assessment methods for MHL, such as the Snook Ciriello method.

Contact us for more information and assistance

For more information on how to purchase this kit and improve the safety of your load handling procedures, please write us at

We are here to assist and provide you with the tools you need for the safe and efficient handling of loads.