BENCH XENON Accelerated Test Chamber – SAXT865

Sunlight, temperature, humidity, dew and bad weather cause a lot of damage such as cracking, glazing and discolouration of the materials. This damage can occur both indoors (the light that filters through the windows) and outdoors. The Xenon accelerated aging chamber simulates in days or weeks this damage which, in real conditions, would occur in months or years. The xenon lamp, having a longer wavelength range, simulates the full spectrum of sunlight (UV, visible light and infrared).
SAXT865 is a easy-to-use and small-size xenon test chamber. It uses an air-cooled Xenon lamp that, thanks to catoptrical system, guarantees a homogeneous distribution of irradiance for each exposed sample.
It is equipped with an extended UV filter which, by letting through a greater amount of UV rays than those that normally pass through the atmosphere, reproduces a faster and more severe test.
Operator can set all required test parameters (irradiance, test time, BPT) on touch screen and can check the running status at any time.
All test parameters can be exported to computer directly through the USB interface.

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