
It is known that there are very high and demanding standards for lift equipment safety. Of course, dealing with the public’s wellbeing requires the following safety regulations and guidelines.

The EU Lift Directive 2014/33/EU provides the guidelines for the safety and reliability of “lifts permanently serving buildings and constructions”.

The directive defines a lift as “a lifting appliance serving specific levels, having a carrier moving along guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal, intended for the transport of persons, persons and goods, goods alone if the carrier is accessible, that is to say a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the carrier or within reach of a person inside the carrier.”

Other devices covered by the directive include:

  • Devices for locking landing doors.
  • Devices to prevent falls referred to in Section 3.2 of Annex I to prevent the car from falling or unchecked upward movements.
  • Speed limiting devices.
  • Energy-absorbing shock absorbers: both nonlinear and with rebound damping and energy dissipating shock absorbers.
  • Safety devices fitted to the hydraulic power circuit jacks to prevent falls.
  • Electric safety devices like safety switches containing electronic components.

How does this affect manufacturers and service providers?

The application of the directive described above means that manufacturers and service providers need to comply with the directive requirements in order to get certified and to ensure that their clients and final consumers are safe.

The manufacturer or service provider must take several measures to comply with the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU.

There are different steps the manufacturer or service provider needs to take in order to comply with the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU. We will now focus on one of these important steps:  the verification and certification of lifts.

EU Lift Directive

Photo by

Lift verification and certification according to Lift Directive 2014/33/EU

Lift verification and certification according to the directive involves a series of activities that focus on guaranteeing safety and reliability. The most relevant are:

Design verification

It refers to evaluating diagrams and specifications regarding applicable codes, standards, purchasing specifications and legal requirements.

Lift certification

In order for a lift to be certified, a series of tests and inspections are carried out on a series of specifications, codes, directives and norms applicable to lifts and their components.

Lift inspections and audits

Performing inspections and audits correctly requires a thorough examination of the mechanical, structural, electrical and safety systems, including cables and chains.

Final lift test

This is the last step of an inspection, since it refers to supervising the performance tests independently in order to guarantee that the parameters measured are correct for safe operation.

The transposition of the lift directive with Presidential Decree 23/2017

The Presidential Decree 23/2017 was published in the Official Gazette on 03/15/2017. It refers to the “Regulation concerning amendments of the President of the Republic decree of 30 April 1999, n. 162, for the implementation of Directive 2014/33 / EU relating to lifts, their safety components and their operation”.

ALPI, tthe Association of Certification and Inspection Laboratories and Bodies, has published an extract from the Official Gazette of 03/15/2017 no. 62 on its website, containing the new “Lift Decree 2017”.

Other important updates on lifts are available on the Assocert website (Italian Association for the Support and Control of Product Conformity of Professions and Certifications).

For several years now, our company has an ongoing agreement with Assocert associates, on the basis of which we offer our instruments at special discounted prices.

Write to for more details.

Lift verification and certification with Check Ingegneria e Servizi

Check Ingegneria e Servizi is an Italian company that performs inspections and certifies lifts, required by the D.P.R. April 30, 1999 no. 162.

In fact, their main objective is to guarantee that the lift safety devices and its other systems work properly.

Therefore, some of their main activities include:

  • Performing inspections and certifying lifts required by the D.P.R. April 30, 1999 no. 162.
  • Checking cranes and other kinds of lifting equipment (required by the Ministerial Decree of 11 April 2011).
  • Implementing fire prevention and periodically inspecting grounding systems.
  • Inspecting motorized gates according to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE.


Check ingegneria e servizi

Photo da


Therefore, Check Engineering and Services takes lift verification and certification very seriously in order to guarantee safety.

They offer biannual inspections on lifts and lifting platforms which guarantees client compliance with the Presidential Decree.

As described above, all these verifications require different tests and measurements. Therefore, precise and reliable equipment is required to ensure that the results guarantee the safety required. A false result or inaccurate measurement may be catastrophic.

SAMA Tools Lift Industry Instrument Kit: The solution

Check Ingegneria e Servizi has chosen our lift instrument kit to carry out lift inspections and certifications for their clients to ensure compliance with the European directive and the Presidential Decree described above. Our kit is also compliant with the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU, and includes all of the necessary tools:

  • an analog force gauge
  • a tachometer
  • a luxmeter
  • a pressure gauge
  • an insulation tester
  • a clamp meter
  • an IP67 Caliper

All these instruments are supplied in a convenient carrying case with the corresponding calibration report.

In addition, Check Ingegneria e Servizi relies on S.A.M.A. Italia to keep their instruments calibrated by sending them to us periodically for certification.

Calibration plays an important role in guaranteeing that their activities provide highly accurate results. You can learn more about instrument calibration here.

Periodic verification of the lift directive

As we’ve already mentioned, in addition to instruments for lift inspections and certifications, we offer a wide variety of non-destructive testing tools and measuring instruments for different purposes, in the mechanical field.

Because our mission is to assist our customers in their quality control activities, we strive to provide them with the best solutions every day.  You can read some of our customer feedback here .

Check Ingegneria e Servizi is one of many companies that have trusted us with their business and is always attentive to quality control.

Therefore, if you need help with lift industry instruments or would like advice on the best instrument for your specific needs, do not hesitate to contact our technical department.

You can reach us at 0584/392342 – 0584/392453 or, alternatively, fill in the online form to contact us in writing.



Measuring and control instruments are very important resources in any production process.  During any process, there are many parameters and properties that need to be carried out with precision to guarantee that high quality standards are met.

So, how to choose the best supplier for measuring and control instruments?

5 aspects to consider when choosing your measuring and control instruments supplier

There are different aspects you should consider when selecting your measuring and control instruments provider. The most important ones are the following:

1. Quality of the instruments

This may sound obvious, but the quality of the measuring and control instruments is of uttermost importance, since this will have a great impact on the results of  all your Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) activities.

For example, S.A.M.A. Italia is a UNI EN ISO 9001 certified company.  A certified supplier confirms that you are choosing a company with clear procedures, aimed at providing accurate services.

S.A.M.A. Italia is a supplier that operates worldwide and supplies companies with its own name-brand SAMA Tools instruments.  Therefore, a reliable and experienced supplier from whom you can receive high quality tools.

Moreover, all SAMA Tools instruments are manufactured to comply with the reference standards.

2. Calibration

As defined by the experts at S.A.M.A. Italia, “calibration means to identify metrological characteristics of a measuring instrument.  It can be defined as a “photograph” of the instrument in its current state. This is the result of a comparison with a reference sample and does not contemplate the adjustment of the instrument.”

This is an important aspect because one can purchase a “quality” instrument which is not calibrated, and therefore, may need adjusting. As a result, the instrument won’t work properly and it will most likely cause problems.

To prevent this from happening, S.A.M.A. Italia offers calibration services and supplies Laboratory Test Reports in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 and ACCREDIA certificates on all their instruments, but also on equipment you may already own and of other brands.

How often should the measuring instruments be calibrated? We talked about it here.

3. Destructive or non-destructive testing instruments?

When we talk about measuring and control instruments, we generally mention two categories: destructive and non-destructive testing instruments.

As the name implies, destructive testing requires altering or destroying the sample in order to identify its mechanical characteristics.

If you want to carry out measurements and tests in your production process without damaging your sample, the best alternative is non-destructive testing, such as:

  • Visual tests
  • Flaw inspection
  • Roughness measurement and control
  • Ultrasonic thickness control
  • Coating thickness control
  • Hardness testing
  • Environmental control

This will allow you to directly identify properties and mechanical features on the final product without damaging it. And SAMA Tools offers you the best instruments for each of these tests.

4. Technical support

When we see the words “technical support”, most of us immediately think  about fixing or repairing something. However, the technical support you should look for when selecting your measuring and control instruments provider must be a more complete kind of service.

As the S.A.M.A. Italia Export Manager Martina Guatteri says,: “It is well known that every successful company has excellent after-sales assistance.” This should be part of what you should look for”, but as she also says, “pre-sales assistance is also very important.”  Yes, S.A.M.A. Italia ships its tools worldwide!

It’s important to find a supplier that can really understand your needs and provide you with the best solutions for you,  keeping your best interests at heart.

Moreover, having solid technical support means making sure you won’t have any problems while using the instruments, and assistance on how to use them properly.

S.A.M.A. Italia offers all their customers a complete metrological consultancy service and care for every need from the very beginning. They help you become an independent user of their instruments, with specialized technicians that will assist you during installation, if required, and during the first stages of testing and measuring. And you will gain an understanding that goes far beyond simply reading a manual.

5. Do you need portable instruments?

It is not always possible to install a device in a laboratory or withing processes to test and measure important parameters. Most of the time, when dealing with QC and QA, you need to measure “on the fly” and this means having a light and portable tool, suitable for measuring in the field.

S.A.M.A. Italia can provide you with a wide range of portable instruments while maintaining the highest quality on the market.

Some examples of portable tools are:

  • Portable surface roughness testers
Portable surface roughness testers

Photo: SAMA Tools portable surface roughness testers

  • Ultrasonic thickness gauges
Precision ultrasonic thickness gauge

In photo: SAMA Tools precision ultrasonic thickness gauge

  • Ultrasonic flaw detectors
  • Portable external load cell torque testers
  • Micrometers and calipers
  • Sound level meters
  • Luxmeters
  • Portable pH meters
  • And many more…
SAMA Tools measuring instruments

Photo: SAMA Tools measuring instruments

If you work in the industrial painting sector,  you will surely find this article interesting, as well.

What if I am an international customer?

Being a worldwide leader in measuring control and instruments and as was mentioned above, S.A.M.A. Italia exports its products all over the world.

You can count on Export Manager Martina Guatteri, who is specialized in customs procedures, to be able to provide you with the necessary help in customs procedures, and on Amina Fera, who is equally available to help you during the purchase phase to choose the best instruments for your needs.

You can contact the Export Representatives at:

Feedback from around the world

Read about what some of S.A.M.A. Italia’s international customers have to say about their experiences with SAMA Tools measuring and control instruments.


“The whole process was completeed without any problems. We got answers to all the questions we asked. Thank you for your attention.”

With over 45 years of experience, Kayalar Kimya is one of the world’s leading paint manufacturers.


Vitaliy Shinkus

LLC TehsnabimportUkraine
“Thank you for your prompt response and help in choosing the right tool. Was very pleased. I recommend working with this company to everyone.”

LLC Tehsnabimport is a distributor of measuring instruments in the Ukraine.


Malik Jamil Asghar

AL ESSA & HADDAD Trading & Decorating CoKuwait
“We are satisfied with your services and with the swift feedback from your Team.”

Founded in Kuwait in early 1978, Al-Essa & Haddad Trading and Decorating Co. is well-established Aluminium Company that manufactures aluminium door windows and sales reinforcement steel bars, aluminium profiles, accessories, etc.


Miihailo Radojičić

“Everything is always correct and precise with the S.A.M.A. company. Friendly employees, always ready to help! Greetings from Serbia!”

TIM CO is a Serbian company created as Medical Equipment Service, founded in 1993. They began by producing printers for nuclear medicine and presently also cooperate with companies that create equipment geared towards women’s health and dental radiology.


Kateryna Andersson

“Very happy with quick support and help to find the best instument for our needs! Nyli Metrology is a Swedish company that provides its customers with various services related to metrology and is also a distributor of SAMA Tools name-brand instruments.


Why I recommend S.A.M.A. Italia as a supplier for measuring and control instruments?

So far, you’ve read how S.A.M.A. Italia ticks all the boxes and how it’s considered to be a first-class measuring and control instruments supplier.

My direct experience with them has enabled me to appreciate their professionalism and clear communication, which makes every customer feel confident in having chosen the best option.

Furthermore, you can subscribe to their English newsletter for free and receive an ebook filled with valuable information.

On the other hand, if you’re located in Italy, subscribe to the Italian newsletter.

Therefore, this winning combination of high quality products and services is a great solution for anyone who’s looking for a supplier of measuring and control instruments.  Don’t hesitate to contact S.A.M.A. Italia now.  You’ll be glad that you did!

Carlos Collantes

Mechanical engineer

Controlling radiation from UV-C lamps is becoming more necessary nowadays. Current times have presented new challenges for the field of material storage and handling, since the pandemic requires constant sanitization. And this includes the use of technologies like UV-C lamps.

Lamps that emit UV-C light help disinfect different surfaces, water and even the air. However, this is only effective if the right amount of UV-C light is applied.

This said, it seems essential to find the way of controlling radiation from UV-C lamps in order to guarantee the disinfection process provides the expected results.

What are UV-C lamps?

UV-C stands for Ultra Violet C light. So, UV-C lamps are the type of lamps that work with Ultra Violet C light emission.

This type of light is in the range of wavelength that is invisible to the human eye, and it is one of the divisions of Ultra Violet light together with UV-A and UV-B.

According to the Foods and Drugs Administration (FDA) “UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called “germicidal” lamps.”

Clearly, UV-C lamps become a great tool for material storage and handling activities trying to guarantee a healthy and safe environment.

Ultra Violet C lamps

In photo: Ultra Violet C lamps

How is controlling radiation from UV-C lamps possible?

Like any other parameter control, controlling radiation from UV-C lamps requires some kind of measurement.

This means that anyone trying to control the amount of UV-C light applied to sanitize material storage environments and the materials themselves after handling activities requires measuring equipment.

Here is where the portable Delta Ohm Luxmeter becomes a great asset. Apart from being easy to carry and to operate, this instrument is capable of measuring:

  • Illumination
  • Luminance
  • Par
  • Irradiance.

Therefore, it is the perfect tool to accurately check the UV-C irradiance for disinfection equipment in a quick and efficient way.

And all these measurements will be supported by a instrument that is calibrated under ISO standards and on request provided with ACCREDIA certificate.

Portable Delta Ohm Luxmeter

In photo: Portable Delta Ohm Luxmeter


How would the wrong radiation levels from UV-C lamps may affect a company  and its customers?

As it was described above, not having the right amount of radiation would make sanitization ineffective. Also, the FDA describes that low doses of UV-C radiation may require a longer time to
effectively inactivate bacteria, which makes the process less efficient, thus reducing productivity for any company and its customers.

But efficiency and productivity are not the biggest of the problems. Not being effective to inactivate bacteria can carry health issues that can escalate beyond the companies as we have
already experienced.

Bacteria on a surface

Photo by


In a more positive note, controlling the levels of radiation from UV-C lamps can help to:

  • Avoid bacteria and other sanity issues.
  • Reduce waste from discarded materials.
  • Reduced resources consumption from required extra sanitization runs.
  • Reduction of downtime related to contamination issues.
  • Obtain quality certified products.

Therefore, we can conclude that having the wrong radiation levels would make lose competitiveness and possibly their reputation, hence the importance of having accurate measuring tools.

Some final words

If you are interested in the luxmeter, take a look at another article on our customer’s experience: Eurogroup Spa.

Apart from partnering with Delta Ohm to offer their portable luxmeter, we offer a wide variety of non-destructive testing instruments and measuring tools for different purposes.

Because our mission is to support our customers in their quality control activities, we strive to provide them with the best solutions to cover their needs.

So, if you need help with light measuring, or would like advice on the best instrument for your specific case, do not hesitate to contact our technical department.
You can call us at 0584/392342 – 0584/392453 or, alternatively, fill in the online form to contact us in writing.

What’s the luxmeter for in lighting systems?

Read on to find out and don’t miss learning more about our customer,  Eurogroup S.p.A.   Thanks to this tool, the quality inspections and maintenance at their plant run more smoothly.

What is the Luxmeter?

The luxmeter is a portable instrument used for the measurement of brightness, parameter involved in many areas such as environmental lighting, construction, road signs and advertising, safety clothing and horticultural sector, but not only.

It is used both for quality control and maintenance operations and this is well known by our customer Eurogroup S.p.A.


Who is Eurogroup S.p.A.?

Eurogroup S.p.A. operates in the design and construction of electrical and technological systems, telecommunications systems, data networks, security and automation.


The company, projected in the national and international panorama, boasts more than 250 employees and a share capital of € 2,500,000.00.


In 1966 the company was already very promising.
Created to offer a qualitatively competitive response in the field of electrical plant engineering, it already showed much wider development prospects.
The role now held has been conquered over time.
Thanks to a path of continuous growth, the company went from an artisan to something broader, which projected it into the national and international landscape and making it become, in 1996, Eurogroup S.p.A.
The company stands out for being constantly engaged in the development of innovative sectors such as Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Building Automation.

Plant maintenance: service

Eurogroup s.p.A operates as part of the plant renovations and maintenance with the Global Service and Facility Management services and guarantees a 24 hours a day and 7 days a week service.
It is precisely in the field of maintenance that S.A.M.A. Italia S.r.l. play a key role.

Measurement of brightness parameters of systems: the role of the luxmeter

For maintenance, it is essential to measure the brightness parameters of the systems.
Eurogroup S.p.A. has, in fact, purchased a luxmeter, with the aim of making their work in the field of public lighting more performing.

Eurogroup spa eng

The luxmeter: how the relationship between S.A.M.A. Italia and Delta OHM was born.

Eurogroup S.p.A. has chosen the Delta OHM luxmeter, an instrument used for the measuring brightness.
It is a parameter involved in many fields such as environmental lighting, construction, road signs and advertising; ideal for quality control and maintenance operations.
Delta OHM is an Italian company specialized in the design, production and calibration of portable, desktop and industrial scientific instruments for the measurement of physical quantities.
The sales network is entrusted to several distributors and S.A.M.A. Italia is an authorized dealers for several years.


Delta ohm and Sama Italia srl



The photo on the left was taken during one of the refresher courses, directly done at their headquarters.
This commitment, linked to the rapid response to customers, has allowed us to create a relationship of mutual esteem and to be selected as retailers for the region Tuscany, Marche, Umbria, Liguria, Abruzzo, Veneto, etc.

Your satisfaction is our goal!

Innovation, the ability to work in teams, investment in training and long-term vision are the key principles that guide Eurogroup S.p.A. towards constant growth.
Every satisfied customer is a source of great pride for us, but it is precisely when we are chosen by large companies with high standards, including Eurogroup S.p.A., that we understand we are on the right track.
S.A.M.A. Italia is a dealer of instruments branded Delta Ohm, such as the above mentioned luxmeter, in addition to being a manufacturer of instruments branded SAMA Tools, all available on our website!

Would you like more information or assistance?

If you are looking for information on a specific model of luxmeter or would like to know more, contact our technical department.
You can call us at 0584/392342 – 0584/392453 or, alternatively, fill in the online form to contact us in writing.