Pendulum hardness tester – SA509

Pendulum hadrness tester is employed for detecting surface hardness of coatings. The gauge is placed in contact with the coating surface, then set into oscillation. The time needed for decreasing the oscillation amplitude to a defined value specified in the given Standard is measured. The shorter the damping time, the lower is the hardness. Two test procedures are considered: König and Persoz. The Persoz and König methods differ by the period and amplitude of the oscillation. The Persoz test measures the time required for decreasing oscillation amplitude from 12° to 4°; the König from 6° to 3°. The instruments that we are proposing have the same principle – the oscillation amplitude of a pendulum touching a surface decreases more rapidly the softer is the surface; but they differ in diameter, weight, period and amplitude of oscillation.

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