Lift Equipment: The Case of Check Ingegneria and SAMA Tools

Life equipment

It is known that there are very high and demanding standards for lift equipment safety. Of course, dealing with the public’s wellbeing requires the following safety regulations and guidelines.

The EU Lift Directive 2014/33/EU provides the guidelines for the safety and reliability of “lifts permanently serving buildings and constructions”.

The directive defines a lift as “a lifting appliance serving specific levels, having a carrier moving along guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal, intended for the transport of persons, persons and goods, goods alone if the carrier is accessible, that is to say a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the carrier or within reach of a person inside the carrier.”

Other devices covered by the directive include:

  • Devices for locking landing doors.
  • Devices to prevent falls referred to in Section 3.2 of Annex I to prevent the car from falling or unchecked upward movements.
  • Speed limiting devices.
  • Energy-absorbing shock absorbers: both nonlinear and with rebound damping and energy dissipating shock absorbers.
  • Safety devices fitted to the hydraulic power circuit jacks to prevent falls.
  • Electric safety devices like safety switches containing electronic components.

How does this affect manufacturers and service providers?

The application of the directive described above means that manufacturers and service providers need to comply with the directive requirements in order to get certified and to ensure that their clients and final consumers are safe.

The manufacturer or service provider must take several measures to comply with the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU.

There are different steps the manufacturer or service provider needs to take in order to comply with the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU. We will now focus on one of these important steps:  the verification and certification of lifts.

EU Lift Directive

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Lift verification and certification according to Lift Directive 2014/33/EU

Lift verification and certification according to the directive involves a series of activities that focus on guaranteeing safety and reliability. The most relevant are:

Design verification

It refers to evaluating diagrams and specifications regarding applicable codes, standards, purchasing specifications and legal requirements.

Lift certification

In order for a lift to be certified, a series of tests and inspections are carried out on a series of specifications, codes, directives and norms applicable to lifts and their components.

Lift inspections and audits

Performing inspections and audits correctly requires a thorough examination of the mechanical, structural, electrical and safety systems, including cables and chains.

Final lift test

This is the last step of an inspection, since it refers to supervising the performance tests independently in order to guarantee that the parameters measured are correct for safe operation.

The transposition of the lift directive with Presidential Decree 23/2017

The Presidential Decree 23/2017 was published in the Official Gazette on 03/15/2017. It refers to the “Regulation concerning amendments of the President of the Republic decree of 30 April 1999, n. 162, for the implementation of Directive 2014/33 / EU relating to lifts, their safety components and their operation”.

ALPI, tthe Association of Certification and Inspection Laboratories and Bodies, has published an extract from the Official Gazette of 03/15/2017 no. 62 on its website, containing the new “Lift Decree 2017”.

Other important updates on lifts are available on the Assocert website (Italian Association for the Support and Control of Product Conformity of Professions and Certifications).

For several years now, our company has an ongoing agreement with Assocert associates, on the basis of which we offer our instruments at special discounted prices.

Write to for more details.

Lift verification and certification with Check Ingegneria e Servizi

Check Ingegneria e Servizi is an Italian company that performs inspections and certifies lifts, required by the D.P.R. April 30, 1999 no. 162.

In fact, their main objective is to guarantee that the lift safety devices and its other systems work properly.

Therefore, some of their main activities include:

  • Performing inspections and certifying lifts required by the D.P.R. April 30, 1999 no. 162.
  • Checking cranes and other kinds of lifting equipment (required by the Ministerial Decree of 11 April 2011).
  • Implementing fire prevention and periodically inspecting grounding systems.
  • Inspecting motorized gates according to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE.


Check ingegneria e servizi

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Therefore, Check Engineering and Services takes lift verification and certification very seriously in order to guarantee safety.

They offer biannual inspections on lifts and lifting platforms which guarantees client compliance with the Presidential Decree.

As described above, all these verifications require different tests and measurements. Therefore, precise and reliable equipment is required to ensure that the results guarantee the safety required. A false result or inaccurate measurement may be catastrophic.

SAMA Tools Lift Industry Instrument Kit: The solution

Check Ingegneria e Servizi has chosen our lift instrument kit to carry out lift inspections and certifications for their clients to ensure compliance with the European directive and the Presidential Decree described above. Our kit is also compliant with the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU, and includes all of the necessary tools:

  • an analog force gauge
  • a tachometer
  • a luxmeter
  • a pressure gauge
  • an insulation tester
  • a clamp meter
  • an IP67 Caliper

All these instruments are supplied in a convenient carrying case with the corresponding calibration report.

In addition, Check Ingegneria e Servizi relies on S.A.M.A. Italia to keep their instruments calibrated by sending them to us periodically for certification.

Calibration plays an important role in guaranteeing that their activities provide highly accurate results. You can learn more about instrument calibration here.

Periodic verification of the lift directive

As we’ve already mentioned, in addition to instruments for lift inspections and certifications, we offer a wide variety of non-destructive testing tools and measuring instruments for different purposes, in the mechanical field.

Because our mission is to assist our customers in their quality control activities, we strive to provide them with the best solutions every day.  You can read some of our customer feedback here .

Check Ingegneria e Servizi is one of many companies that have trusted us with their business and is always attentive to quality control.

Therefore, if you need help with lift industry instruments or would like advice on the best instrument for your specific needs, do not hesitate to contact our technical department.

You can reach us at 0584/392342 – 0584/392453 or, alternatively, fill in the online form to contact us in writing.