Lift Inspection and Instrument Calibration: The Case of Sidelmed S.P.A.

Sidelmed Spa systems and products certification evidenza

Not everybody knows the relationship between lift inspection and instrument calibration. Lifts, also called elevators, have been part of human life for many years and people often take for granted all that is behind their proper operation and safety.

First of all, there are different types of lifts and they operate according to the purpose of their use. This means that some of them are used for lifting people, others cargo, and so on.

Among the most common types, there are:

  •  Lifts for people transportation
  •  Lifts for disabled people
  •  Freight lifts
  •  Construction lifts
  •  Facade lifts
  •  Hydraulic lifts
  •  Cable lifts
Lift Inspection and Instrument Calibration

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Of course, all of them require to meet some operational and safety standards, and here is where inspection and certification are important.

What is lift inspection?

Lift inspection involves a series of activities that are meant to help verify the conditions of the lift systems in order to certify they are operating as expected and in accordance to operational, health and safety standards.

These activities cover inspection of the site before commissioning and installation, inspection of systems in operation and other complementary inspections such as environmental impact.

How is lift inspection performed?

To perform properly a lift inspection, several tools and instruments are needed, and the choice of instruments used in each inspection will depend on the system being inspected.

For example, part of the inspection may not require any instruments, since it may be only a visual inspection to assess the general state of the components of the elevator. However, while testing specific systems like the power supply, measuring instruments like an AC/DC Clamp Meter may come in handy.

They general idea is to measure the operational parameters of the system at the moment of the inspection and comparing with the expected values for a proper and safe operation, hence the importance of having high-quality properly calibrated instruments to perform the inspection.


Here is the complete KIT for lift inspection

One of the most popular solutions proposed by SAMA Tools is the Complete Kit for the Lift Directive.

The tools contained in the KIT complie with the requirements of directive 2014/33 / EU and includes calibration reports.

Watch the Kit in the video below!


Why is instrument calibration so important?

Apart from complying with UNI EN ISO 9001, which in section 7.6 deals with the management of the measuring equipment, instrument calibration and adjustment will guarantee that the results you are obtaining are reliable.

Therefore, the information collected during the inspection can be used to certify the proper operation of the lift or to identify any possible malfunction of it and take the corresponding measures.

Using instruments that are not properly calibrated during inspection may result in false information that may lead to keep a malfunctioning lift in operation. Obviously, this represents a safety hazard, and it could lead to serious problems such as:

  • Injuries or even death.
  • Loss of reputation for the inspecting and operating companies.
  • Increased costs due to extra maintenance and repair activities.
  • Financial loss due to legal actions against the inspecting and operating company.

It may sound dramatic, but it is a reality.

Calibration report

Lift Inspection by Sidelmed S.P.A.

Sidelmed S.P.A is a company that mainly operates in the sector of systems and products certification.

They currently have three major authorizations in the lifts sector, including:

  • Lift checks by the Ministry of Economic Development.
  • Grounding electric systems inspections by the Ministry of Economic Development.
  • Working teams verifications by the Ministry of Labour.

Therefore, these authorizations, together with their 120 technical experts and 21 years of experience make Sidelmed S.P.A. the top entity for lift inspection and certification, serving around 27000 clients in the public and private sectors.

Of course, knowing their craft very well, they make sure they use high-quality tools and instruments to guarantee the reliability of their inspections and certifications.

The instruments they frequently use during inspections include:

  • AC/DC Clamp Meters
  • Insulation testers
  • Tachometers
  • Pressure gauges

Of course, this is only a limited list of all the equipment that is required to cover all the inspection activities. However, the most important is that their code of ethics include making sure that the information provided is trustworthy and their certifications are fully reliable.

Sidelmed Spa systems and products certification

How does Sidelmed S.P.A. guarantee their reliability?

Lift inspection and instrument calibration go hand by hand when it comes to guaranteeing reliability. To make sure their tools and instruments are fit for the inspection tasks Sidelmed S.P.A. trusts SAMA Tools for the required periodic calibration and adjustment.

Since 2018 we have verified the correctness of all their instruments, thus collaborating with them in the matters of instrument and equipment management. This has resulted in a close and long-lasting relationship, the same type of relationship we strive to build with all our customers.

customer satisfation

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We offer a comprehensive service that can be provided in-house or by sending the equipment to our premises.

The service includes laboratory test reports and/or ACCREDIA calibration certificates for our own instruments or equipment already possessed by our customers.

You can learn more about this service by clicking here.

Final thoughts

Apart from instruments for the lift industry and calibration services, we offer a wide variety of non-destructive testing tools for different purposes.

Because our mission is to support our customers in their quality control activities, we strive to provide them with the best solutions to cover their needs.

Sidelmed S.P.A. is a good example that customer’s satisfaction is our main goal, and we would be more than happy to see you becoming one of them.

So, if you need help with lift inspection instruments and their calibration, or would like advice on the best instrument for your specific case, do not hesitate to contact our technical department.

You can call us at 0584/392342 – 0584/392453 or, alternatively, fill in the online form to contact us in writing.