
Colour difference meter: what is it and why is important

How is it possible to be sure that the same object does not present colour differences?
We discover it in this article, read on because today we talk about the main colour measurement instrument: the colour difference meter.
You will understand all its features and you can see it in action in the video we made for you.

What is a colour difference meter?

The colour difference meter is a device used to measure chromatic differences, which allows performing accurate measurements of differences between all colour types of the same material, according to the international standards.


[Video] Do you need a colour difference meter – color meter?


Objects’ colour

Design colour’s choice is extremely important, even if is quite subjective.

Colours arouse emotions and this particular emotion may differ from person to person.

Studying how colours influence people is a real kind of business.

The simple change of a tone or a saturation is enough to arouse completely different feels.

Moreover even cultural differences should be considered, because what means happiness somewhere, could means sadness in somewhere else.

Our Logo, for instance, RED and BLUE show different meanings between Orient and Occident.

• Occident: excitement, love, passion
• Orient: wedding dress, joy

• Occident (Europe): relaxation, confidence
• Orient: sadness, depression, wedding tradition, prudence

Colour perception

What is really important for any producer is to be able to reproduce the chosen colour without facing the risk of visual errors.

Light, object and observer are three essential components in colour perception.

The variation of one of these three components changes inevitably the colour perception.

In the event that light and observer do not change, the object will define the observer’s colour perception.

The object can influence colour perception because his reflective surfaces (transmittance surfaces) modulate the spectrum of the light source.

Each object has several reflectivity surfaces, these one are modified by the light source obtaining various results.

The same observer, but different colours perceived.

The colour difference meter help us to measure chromatic differences.

Colour difference meter

Calibration report for the colour difference meter

An optional service for the colour difference meter is the calibration report.

It is a document edited by metrological laboratories that insures that the test has been made with reference to national acknowledged samples.

The technical worthiness of these documents is based on the laboratory’s qualification, on the operator’s expertise and by the metrological procedures employed.


Application fields

Colour difference meters are able to operate on plastic, metal, printings and painted surfaces.

They are mainly employed to perform quality checks on incoming and outgoing goods.

How the colour difference meter works?

The colour difference meter operating principle is based on the measurement of chromatic aspects of the light that arrives on the surfaces from any source, directly or indirectly.

Suitable for intermediate stages analysis in producing materials such as:

  1. Clothes
  2. Building
  3. Interior design
  4. Plastics
  5. Paints
  6. Facings
  7. Porcelains



It is a perfect device to be used for field measurement.

It is used to check chromatic differences between samples of the same material in a fast and accurate way.


Would you like more information or assistance?

If you are looking for further information on a specific color meter model or want to know more, contact our technical department. You can call us at 0584/392342 – 0584/392453 or, alternatively, book an appointment for a video meeting.